10 things

%e6%9c%aa%e6%a0%87%e9%a2%98-1On the 27th week, we were asked to bring 1o things relevant to our practice. Here are some interesting tings I found.

  • Sweeper & Dustpan

The key innovation is the use of the dustpan’s handle as a funnel.
The project is a reflection on a dull object of everyday use. An object we often use but rarely pay attention to. I wanted to create an object which, thanks to its esthetic and functional quality, would slightly enhance the quality of our lives and make everyday chores more pleasant.




Kochanski, J. (2013). SWEEPER & DUSTPAN MENU / DENMARK. Retrieved 01 28, 2017, from Jan Kochanski: http://jankochanski.com/SWEEPER-DUSTPAN

  • All-Weather Texting

It’s called Phone-brella and, as you might’ve guessed from the name, it’s an umbrella that enables text messaging while being shielded from the rain. The C-shaped handgrip for the Phone-brella is what makes it possible.

All-Weather Texting


Phone-brella is a 2015 Red Dot Award: Design Concept winner.

Turner, T. (2015, 10 15). ALL-WEATHER TEXTING. Retrieved 01 28, 2017, from YANKO DESIGN: http://www.yankodesign.com/2015/10/15/all-weather-texting/
  • Joseph Joseph Unique Kitchen Gadgets

Twist Whisk by Joseph Joseph


This innovative product incorporates two essential whisks in one stylish design. All the parts can be easily separated for cleaning. After use, Twist can be closed flat for convenient storage in a drawer.

Single-handed soap dispenser


The C-Pump Soap Dispenser by Joseph Joseph is operated with the back of one hand, keeping the top of the pump head cleaner and more hygienic.

VP, c. (2016, 3 12). Joseph Joseph Unique Kitchen Gadgets . Retrieved 01 28, 2017, from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY_7hl5GonA&t=55s
  • Biotech Tattoo

Unusual tech tattoos are nothing new — WIRED reported on LED tattoos back in 2009 and Gadi Amit presented his concept for embedded wearables at this year’s WIRED Health. But combining the pure aesthetics of traditional tattoos with the functionality of wearables is a fresh idea.


They have a similar function to wearables like FitBit, but they’re easier to wear — being attached to your skin, they’re far less cumbersome. The tattoos use electroconducive paint to pick up the vital signs from the body. The next step for wearables The tech tattoo is a device that will just make everyone’s lives easier.

Reynold, E. (2015, 12 04). How biotech tattoos will turn you into a quantifiable canvas. Retrieved 12 01, 2016, from WIRED: http://www.wired.co.uk/article/biotech-tattoos-biowearable
  • Small House Folding Interior

Japanese designers Atelier OPA created a unique set of products, which are perfect for small spaces. This foldaway set of furniture includes a mobile home office, a small kitchen and a guest room.

When not in use, fold your furniture away and pack them in their case; an ideal small space storage solution.

busyboo. (2008, 11 02). Small House Folding Interior. Retrieved 01 28, 2017, from busyboo: https://www.busyboo.com/2008/11/02/small-house-folding-interior/
  • BMW-The DNA of BMW design

Over many decades, a variety of design elements have formed the unique DNA of BMW as defined by its distinctive proportions, surfaces and details. Their interplay moulds the character of a BMW and spawns the unmistakable BMW look.


The BMW face

The front end of a BMW alone sports signature features that unmistakably identify the car as a BMW.

The radiator grille – familiarly known as the “kidney grille” – was first introduced in 1933 and has over time evolved into BMW’s most conspicuous feature.

This iconic BMW design element appears in many different renditions and continues to define the face of a BMW to this day.


BMW. (2012, 05 16). BMW: design DNA. Retrieved 01 29, 2017, from car body design: https://www.busyboo.com/2008/11/02/small-house-folding-interior/

  • Folding Chair


True of any design question, a solution can be reached by either of the three arms, material, use and making.



Harry. (2012, 04 25). FOLDING CHAIR BY LEO SALOM. Retrieved 01 29, 2017, from MOCO Design: http://mocoloco.com/fresh2/2012/04/25/folding-chair-by-leo-salom.php
  • Broke Bike Alley


Broke Bike Alley’s business cards help you help your bike. The follow-up to their tire patch business card, this card cum tool fits in your wallet and lets you adjust your bolts and spokes. And open your beer.

bike tool business card. (2010). Retrieved 01 29, 2017, from Rethink: http://rethinkcanada.com/work/broke_bike_alley/2010/design/bike_tool_business_card/
  • Flexible Furniture

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