DIETER RAMS-Ten principles for good design

WHAT is Good design?

1.Good design is innovative

It does not copy existing product forms, nor does it produce any kind of novelty for the sake of it. The essence of innovation must be clearly seen in all functions of a product. The possibilities in this respect are by no means exhausted. Technological development keeps offering new chances for innovative solutions.


创新的可能性是永远存在并且不会消耗殆尽的。科技日新月异的发展不断为创新设计提供了崭新的机会。 同时创新设计总是伴随着科技的进步而向前发展,永远不会完结。

2.Good design is aesthetic

The aesthetic quality of a product – and the fascination it inspires – is an integral part of the its utility. Without doubt, it is uncomfortable and tiring to have to put up with products that are confusing, that get on your nerves, that you are unable to relate to. However, it has always been a hard task to argue about aesthetic quality, for two reasons.



3.Good design makes a product understandable

It clarifies the structure of the product. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory and saves you the long, tedious perusal of the operating manual.



4.Good design is unobtrusive

Products that satisfy this criterion are tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained leaving room for the user’s self-expression.


产品要像工具一样能够达成某种目的。 它们既不是装饰物也不是艺术品。因此它们应该是中庸的,带有约束的,这样会给使用者的个性表现上留有一定空间。

5.Good design is honest

An honestly-designed product must not claim features it does not have – being more innovative, more efficient, of higher value. It must not influence or manipulate buyers and users.



6.Good design makes a product useful

A product is bought in order to be used. It must serve a defined purpose – in both primary and additional functions. The most important task of design is to optimise the utility of a product.


产品买来是要使用的。 至少要满足某些基本标准,,不但是功能,也要体现在用户的购买心里和产品的审美上。 优秀的设计强调实用性的同时也不能忽略其它方面,不然产品就会大打折扣。

7.Good design is long-lasting

It is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date tomorrow. This is one of the major differences between well-designed products and trivial objects for a waste-producing society. Waste must no longer be tolerated.


它使产品避免成为短暂时尚反而看上去永远都不会过时。和时尚设计不同的是, 它会被人们接受并使用很多年甚至是在当今被一次性商品充斥的社会。

8.Good design is thorough down to the last detail

Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with the product and its functions, as seen through the eyes of the user.



9.Good design is environmentally friendly

Design must contribute towards a stable environment and a sensible use of raw materials. This means considering not only actual pollution, but also the visual pollution and destruction of our environment.



10.Good design is as little design as possible

Good Design is as little design as possible

Back to purity, back to simplicity



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